Did you spend some time outdoors today? Maybe you went for a walk. How did it feel for you?
Were you mindful or was your mind full? And how do you know the difference when you are out for a walk?
Our minds are always busy; we are planning the future, ruminate about the past, being consumed by thoughts, memories, and worries about the future. The cluttered mind struggles to focus or be present, constantly racing with distracting thoughts.
Mindfulness means being fully present, aware of your thoughts and feelings, accepting this moment without judgment. It means focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in this moment.
Mindfulness has several benefits to both our physical and mental health:
- It can improve our mood
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Reduce effects of stress
- Strengthen our immune system
- Improve our heart health
- Improve focus and attention
So what is a difference between mindful walk and any other walk? And how do you walk mindfully?
A mindful walk benefits from its simplicity and is all about being fully present in nature. Rather than trying to hurry to get from one location to another, a mindful walk allows you to slow down and to pay attention to this moment.
As you walk, notice how your feet feel, how your arms swing. Maybe you will notice other sensations in your body. Are you hot or cold? Do you feel any stiffness or tension in your body? How about emotions? What are your emotions right now?

Try to walk at a slower pace than you would usually do. Notice your breath and slow it down a little bit, taking a few deep inhales and exhales.
As you move, notice how your body feels, paying attention to how your legs, feet and arms feel with every step you take.
Become aware of your surroundings, with an open mind, enjoying the sights, colors, sounds, and smells, opening up your senses and appreciating your surroundings.
Pay attention to all of your senses:
- Sense of sight: notice 5 things that you see. Pay attention to details, notice the shapes, the colors.
- Sense of sound: notice 4 sounds that you hear.
- Sense of smell: notice 3 scents that you can smell. Can you smell the freshness of the air?
- Sense of touch: notice 2 things that you can touch. Notice how the ground feels on your feet. Can you feel how how the air touches your face? Can you feel the touch of the sun on your skin?
- Sense of taste: notice 1 thing that you taste as you walk. Can you taste the air?

Continue to walk. Make sure you are focusing on your breath as you are walking; slowly and deeply breathing in and out. Notice your emotions; notice how you are feeling now.
If you become distracted during your walk and your mind starts wandering again, instead of getting frustrated, use the next step as an opportunity to start again, refocusing your attention on the present moment.