Riding the Waves
Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Notice how your feet connect with the floor. Take a deep breath in and out. Again. And again. Slow down your breath a little bit. Relax your arms and shoulders. Put Read more…
Quite often people say: “I am not flexible enough. I am not strong enough. I am too old to do yoga or exercise. I am not healthy enough to exercise or do yoga.” But if you have a body and Read more…
Vinyasa Yoga Flow
The word “yoga” means “union”. Yoga aligns the mind with the body, creating both physical and emotional benefits. Hatha Yoga is based on working with the life force, prana. In Sanskrit “ha” means “sun,” and “tha” means “moon,” thus Hatha Yoga Read more…
Mindful Walk
Did you spend some time outdoors today? Maybe you went for a walk. How did it feel for you? Were you mindful or was your mind full? And how do you know the difference when you are out for a Read more…
Take a Breath
Are you feeling exhausted during this time if the year? Short days, lack of sunshine – all these ads to everyday stress making us feel tired and overwhelmed. The main advice for all of us, when stress becomes overwhelming, can Read more…
Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
Reduce stress, quiet your mind and build strength with a Fish Pose (Matsyasana). The name Matsyasana is derived from the Sanskrit words: Matsya meaning Fish and Asana meaning Pose. This pose allows the body to float quite easily like a fish in the water. Read more…